Cover and all illustrations by the author.
Buddhist Folk Tales is a collection of over forty short stories that, to Kevin, represent different aspects of Buddhism. Many are retellings of stories Buddha told about his previous lives, The Jataka Tales, others are stories from around the world that have a Buddhist ‘feel’ and some are new stories written by the author. They are filled with joy, some being humorous, heart wrenching and entertaining, a collection that can be read all at once or dipped into. At the back of the book is a section where each story is described in a sentence or two for easy referral.
The stories are written mainly for adults but many can be TOLD to younger children. In fact, these stories have been written to be told, so please, share.
The cover images and the many inside illustrations are made by the author.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 November 2022
“Prose simple and clear like water, these folk tales hold the interest effortlessly, and stay with you when you’ve finished reading.
Ann Hayton (Author) ***** “

There 30 black and white illustrations in the book.